Why Upholstery Cleaning Is Recommendable

Why Upholstery Cleaning Is Recommendable

Why Upholstery Cleaning Is Recommendable

The upholstery on your couch or sofa needs to be cleaned regularly in order to maintain its original appearance. This is because stains, dust and other allergens can accumulate on the upholstered material. Dusting alone won’t get rid of all these pollutants, which is why professional upholstery cleaning services are highly recommended. For the best results, upholstery cleaning should be done at least once a year or six months.

Professional upholstery cleaning services can improve the overall health and appearance of your upholstered furnishings. They use specialist cleaning products and methods and can help you extend the life of your upholstered furniture. If you’re not sure how to clean your upholstery, refer to the tag attached to your furniture. The code can be found under the cushions or attached at the bottom.

A professional upholstery cleaner will inspect your upholstery before performing any cleaning. They’ll identify the type of material and determine how much cleaning is necessary. After assessing the materials, they will pre-vacuum or spray the fabric and pre-treat any stains. Then, they’ll use the hot water extraction method, which uses pressure to inject a harmless detergent into the fabric and extract the dirt. The cleaning process can take anywhere from six to eight hours, depending on the type of fabric, temperature, and ventilation.

When cleaning upholstery, it is important to follow all cleaning instructions. The manufacturer’s upholstery codes are very specific and incorrect cleaning can cause serious damage. Over-wetting can cause mildew, and some fabrics can shrink when too much water is used. This is especially important if you have delicate fabrics, such as wool or linen. Get in Touch Electrodry